Piazza di Spagna - Wikipedia
The Piazza di Spagna is a square in the centre of Rome, the capital of Italy. It lies at the foot of the Spanish Steps and owes its name to the Palazzo di Spagna, the seat of the Embassy of Spain to the Holy See. The Column of the Immaculate Conception is in the square.
Piazza di Spagna: all you need to know about Rome' most iconic piazza …
Feb 15, 2022 · Piazza di Spagna is one of the most famous piazzas in Rome, if not the most famous of all. Here, you find the iconic Spanish Steps, with the striking backdrop of the church of Trinita’ de’ Monti; here you also find Berninis’ Barcaccia fountain, the start of some of the most elegant and historic streets in Rome and some of the top luxury ...
Piazza di Spagna & the Spanish Steps - Rome
The Piazza di Spagna (English: Square of Spain) is one of Rome’s most renowned squares. The name comes from the Palazzo di Spagna, the seat of the Spanish Embassy for the Vatican located on this square since the seventeenth century.
Visit Piazza di Spagna & the Spanish Steps in Rome, Italy
Piazza di Spagna is not only one of the most beautiful piazzas in Rome, it’s also packed full of things to see and do. A cultural, artistic, and shopping hub in the heart of the city, it has been an unmissable tourist destination since the time of the Grand Tour.
Piazza di Spagna - Turismo Roma
On entering the piazza, you are immediately taken aback by such elegance: the yellow, brownish ochre-coloured buildings, Bernini’s fountain and the celebrated Spanish Steps rising up towards the Church of SS. Trinità dei Monti, all helping to create a refined, 18th century atmosphere.
Piazza di Spagna - Wikipedia
Piazza di Spagna, ai piedi della scalinata di Trinità dei Monti che la collega all'omonima piazza, è una delle più famose di Roma. Deve il suo nome al palazzo di Spagna , sede dell'ambasciata dello Stato iberico presso la Santa Sede dal 1622.
The Spanish Steps and Piazza di Spagna in Rome
Piazza di Spagna is where you’ll find the famous monument, La Colonna della Immacolata Concezione (The Column of the Immaculate Conception). This 19th Century monument pays tribute to the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is depicted as a sculpture atop the column.
Piazza di Spagna - Turismo Roma
Piazza di Spagna Centro romantico della Roma Ottocentesca, già nel XV secolo assunse un ruolo commercialmente molto importante per la presenza di molti alberghi e di case abitate da stranieri, richiamati in questa zona dalle rappresentanze dei governi spagnolo e francese.
Piazza di Spagna - Italia.it
Piazza di Spagna owes its name to the presence of the Spanish Embassy at the Holy See at number 57 while the opposite section of the square was called Piazza di Francia. The staircase of the Trinità dei Monti, a grand baroque setting and one of the Roman icons, was designed by architect Francesco De Sanctis between 1723 and 1726, creating a ...
Piazza di Spagna in Rome - Rome Travel Guide | Roma Wonder
The Spanish Square, known in Italian as Piazza di Spagna, is undoubtedly one of the most famous squares in Rome and one of the finest example of Roman Baroque style. Piazza di Spagna has a characteristic butterfly plan that features at its center the Fontana della Barcaccia or Fountain of the Old Boat, designed by the great architects Pietro ...