As an underclassman, navigating career growth and figuring out the “right path” can feel overwhelming. Reflecting on my own journey, I’ve learned that progress is far from linear. Career growth comes ...
Synopsis: A reflection on how my internship at SVCN and coursework have helped me connect classroom knowledge to real-world applications Working at the Silicon Valley Council of Nonprofits (SVCN) has ...
Senit reflects on how her business education supports her work in Santa Clara County’s District 3 Supervisor’s Office. As I begin my second quarter as a Policy Fellow in the Santa Clara County ...
DJ reflects on how campus involvement and mentorship shaped his professional growth. As I reflect on my professional journey so far, my growth has mostly been influenced by what opportunities were ...
Natalie shares the key things she did to be in the career position she is in now. Throughout my time at Santa Clara University, I gained knowledge and gradually built up my skill set into what it is ...
MOBI Partners in Africa Empower Entrepreneurship in their Local Communities through Customized Programs Featuring MOBI's Free Curriculum US-Africa Initiatives Builds Connection with African NGOs and ...
Understanding your aid can be a bit exhuasting. Click on one of the links below to find a greater opportunity of free funding at SCU. Looking for free money to fund your education at SCU? Outside ...
What does small-town-Montana have in common with Santa Clara University? The strong sense of community, says Mariah Aragon ’28. Her hometown of Lodge Grass sits on the Crow Indian Reservation in a ...
This story has been edited for readability. It was a beautiful spring day in 1957, my senior year. A classmate and I had been designing and building hydrofoils for a 10-foot boat since the start of ...
Opportunity doesn’t always come wrapped in a bow. For James M. Glaser, it came in the form of a struggling art school. A decade ago, the School of Museum of Fine Arts in Boston was failing. Despite ...
I rina Raicu is the director of the Internet Ethics program (@IEthics) at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. Views are her own. Among some of the earliest actions undertaken in his new term, ...
Through her internship at Tandem, Partners in Early Learning, Stella Cortese ’26 rediscovered the power of storytelling to captivate young minds and address societal issues, inspiring her to create ...