I'm not saying you shouldn't go to Venice, but you have to be a bit strategic about it-both for the city's sake and your own. (Feeling like a sardine crammed into a narrow calle blocked by tour groups ...
ITALY is one of my favourite countries to visit. So much so, I got married there 17 years ago. I love the people, the food, ...
400 Murano glass orbs (so, bubbles in the surf?), chestnut beams and a ceiling in Dijon suede. Mosaic floors, mirrored portholes, ceramic siren vases and views of the lake help the restaurant set ...
Obeikan Glass Co. signed today, Feb. 12, a one-year non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Italy’s Isoclima to jointly explore commercial and innovation opportunities, the company said in ...