Henrico County+City of Richmond Travelers–The right and center lane of I-95 SB near Parham Rd. at MM 82 will be closed from 7 ...
The $5.2 million payment was officially due Feb. 28, but a purchase agreement for the massive arena-anchored development ...
Henrico County is taking back the former Best Products property that had been planned for the massive arena-anchored ...
Henrico County will be reacquiring the $2.3 million Best Products property from Green City developers within the next month.
Plans for a mixed-use ecodistrict that was expected to usher in a new era of development in Henrico County and provide the ...
Henrico County announced Friday that it will reacquire the Best Products property from the Green City developers, saying the parties “have mutually agreed to go in a different direction." ...
Henrico County and developers for the $2 billion eco-district GreenCity have decided to part ways, according to a news ...
Hadad’s Lake, a longtime Richmond landmark, is set for auction April 7-9 after nearly 60 years. Known for its natural ...
Henrico County has given a development corporation a last-minute deadline to make a $5.2 million payment to complete a property purchase for the long-awaited GreenCity Arena.
You only have to look at some southern Virginia localities that have already opened their doors to data centers to see the results.
Listen to this article Updated March 10 The $2.3 billion GreenCity development in Henrico County appears to be in jeopardy, unless developers make an overdue payment by the end of the week. Henrico ...