But as Google has replaced them with lithium-ion cells, the benefits have been multiplying. Google says the cells it’s using ...
North Carolina keeps some data center locations secret for security reasons. Plenty though are too large to miss.
A West Jordan data center "supercluster" received a $2 billion investment to become one of the largest centers in the county.
Nvidia is the market leader for GPUs, and its revenue numbers reflect that. Its data center division, which supplies GPUs to ...
Chevron is advancing plans to tap into data center power demand, with the oil major recently entering the permitting and ...
The 750,000 square foot AI supercomputer in Memphis has 100,000 Nvidia GPUs, and Super Micro says it is the largest data ...
MiTAC Computing Technology Corp., a subsidiary of MiTAC Holdings Corp. (TSE:3706) and a leading manufacturer in server ...
The boom in data center projects nationwide appears to be sweeping into Houston, with a new project listed in the area.
With 58 days to go until the May 12 elections, Comelec Chair George Erwin Garcia led on Friday an inspection of the data ...
Local press including the Straits Times said one person was taken to hospital following the fire, at 750C Chai Chee Road.
Dunk them? Fan them? Flow liquid through them? Servers stuffed with artificial intelligence chips are getting hotter. From ...