A highly anticipated anime adaptation of a popular Shone Jump series will be making its way onto Netflix and Crunchyroll.
Highly-anticipated shoujo anime Honey Lemon Soda receives an English dub debut on Crunchyroll. Only the first dubbed episode released today, with weekly episodes to follow a few weeks behind. Fan ...
With the guild master having learned of Alina’s secret identity, don’t miss I May Be A Guild Receptionist Episode 3 to find out how she deals with the matter; get release DEETS here.
The episodes will be released in North American theaters on March 16! Likely, people in the US and in Canada will be able to watch them. According to GKIDS, the screenings will include exclusive ...
A new trailer for the Guilty Gear Strive anime, Guilty Gear Strive: Dual Rulers, has dropped, alongside a debut date.
Strive is a downright gorgeous game—gorgeous enough that it actually introduced me to the fighting game genre after a lifetime of abstinence. (I'm still a little sketchy on my dragon punches.) Its ...
The Last Attack is set to arrive in North American theaters next month to the excitement of many fans of the hit anime in the region.