KKR will invest an additional $250 million in the company’s common stock and will become the largest non-index fund shareholder in the company, with a 12% position. Once the transaction is ...
Only a short time has elapsed since President Trump named Mark T. Uyeda as Acting Chair of the Securities and Exchange ...
Greenebrg Traurig elevated 59 lawyers to become shareholders this year, marking its highest number of promotions since 2022. This year's promotions saw a heavy focus on California and litigation.
The Group and its shareholders first want to discuss a major order from Poland, which would then justify the aircraft manufacturer considering opening its capital. "We are not going to put the ...
Nigeria has joined the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), becoming its 77th shareholder. Nigeria ...
EIP plans to invest €150 million to become the majority shareholder of BayWa re with a 65% stake, while BayWa AG will retain 35%. The deal is still subject to antitrust approval. EIP acquired a ...