PlayStation users are expressing their frustrations over the growing AI clutter in the PlayStation Store.
Scientists from the University of Rovira i Virgili helped design the industry's first-ever unified testing protocol for ...
Brazil suffers the most deforestation of any country, as reported by Global Forest Watch. The country's plan to combat deforestation, Planaveg 2.0, relies heavily on native seeds to meet their goal of ...
A new report from Industrious Labs reveals the devastating impact of steel plants' pollution on surrounding communities.
In fact, a report published in January revealed that Vietnam only recycles up to one-third of its imported plastic waste.
When it comes to succulent propagation, one clever gardener found a way to repurpose single-use plastic take-out containers.
A Redditor posted a photo of their backyard and its many fallen leaves, sparking a debate about leaving leaves.
The Illinois Commerce Commission recently approved new grid plans from Ameren and Commonwealth Edison that will modernize the ...
The Sombrero ground lizard was nearing extinction in 2018, with fewer than 100 creatures remaining. However, thanks to ...
Residents of Washington state whose homes run on sustainable energy got a pleasant surprise in September when they received ...
Buying a home often comes with unexpected challenges, including dealing with the mistakes of previous owners. One homeowner ...
Looking for inspiration, a dad took to Reddit to ask for ways to improve the kids' play area he had built in the backyard.