The only likely reason for holding Ruslan Mambetov incommunicado for over a month is that the FSB wanted to extract ...
Putin has ‘honoured’ both Anton Struyev, and his 15th Separate Motor Rifle Brigade, other members of which are accused of ...
The trial has begun in Russian-occupied Sevastopol of Halyna Dovhopola who will be 66 in March, and has spent well over a year imprisoned in Moscow on mystery charges of ‘spying’ for Ukraine. The ...
Мешканець Костроми зацікавився діяльністю легіону ‘’Свобода Росії’. Він навіть не встиг заповнити анкету про вступ до руху, ...
Онлайн пресс-конференция: В трагическую годовщину полномасштабного вторжения России в Украину спецдокладчик ООН и лауреаты ...
Основой соглашения не должен быть аналог Мюнхенского сговора. Мир не должен признать законность произошедших завоеваний, мир должен дать Украине гарантии безопасности. Только соглашение, содержащее ...
Як повідомляє Східна правозахисна група, школярів можуть навчати поводитися зі зброєю не на дерев’яних макетах, а на реальних ...
А ще — священники, директори шкіл і лікарень, а також ‘судді’, ‘прокурори’, бойовики з незаконних збройних формувань. Проаналізували для ...
Scroll to the end for updated information about the torture that Ivan Zabavsky was subjected to, as well as other forms of lawless and brutal treatment A court in St. Petersburg has sentenced Ivan ...
A new ‘Military history of Russia’ school textbook presents Russia as “defending peace throughout the world” and claims that its war of aggression against Ukraine was forced upon it by a ...
Eighty years after the Soviet regime executed Seiran Saliyev’s great grandfather for refusing to be cowered, Russia came up with chillingly similar claims against Saliev and other Crimean Solidarity ...
With President Donald Trump set to initiate some form of peace negotiations on Ukraine this year, the coalition of human rights organisations, led by the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, Centre For Civil ...