Professional house buying firm Property Solvers have crunched the numbers to find out how long it takes homes to sell.
Members of the Unite, Unison and GMB Scotland unions have voted for strike action after rejecting the latest pay offer.
A group of doctors operating as Blue Lotus have stepped back from their plan to take on the Southern Machars Practice.
Kelton Nursery in Castle Douglas is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year but will close for good in April.
The crossing was closed to vehicles with just one hour's notice, sparking concerns about what will happen in an emergency.
A VITAL bridge has suddenly closed causing a town to be cut in half and forcing drivers on a six-mile diversion. The ...
In 2024, families moved into completed Wheatley developments at Curries Yard and in Springholm, with work underway to build ...
Dumfries and Galloway Council said no one was hurt and the incident on Wednesday was "handled in a timely manner".
Officer made the discovery after stopping a car on the A75 near the junction with Commerce Road at around 1pm on Thursday.
These luxurious and spacious self-catering lodges with stunning panoramic views over the Solway Firth make the perfect ...