D’Stäerkt an den Erfolleg vum VW Transporter leien a senger Variabilitéit. Och déi siwent Generatioun gëtt et als Këschtewôn ouni Fënsteren, mat enger oder zwou Sëtzreihen, als Kombi ...
Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles is celebrating 75 years of the VW Bus, the commercial vehicle with the longest production run ...
The VW Transporter has been in production for more than 70 years, as its bloodline can be traced back to the original rear-engine split-window ‘Kombi’ launched in 1950. So, during those seven decades, ...
Flensburg (ots) - Die Flensburger Bundespolizei stellte am Wochenende bei Kontrollen im Grenzgebiet u.a. drei Schlangen in ...
Seventy-five years ago, the Volkswagen Bus, affectionately known as the "Bulli," began its journey from a blank sheet of ...
The first T1 Transporter rolled off the production line on 8th March 1950. Since then, more than 12.5 million VW Buses have followed ... quickly led by a Kombi version (with windows at the ...
Hannover (NI) – Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge feiert 75 Jahre seine Ikone: den Bulli. Er ist das am längsten gebaute Nutzfahrzeug ...
Vergleich mit Volvo und Peugeot Kann China-Newcomer Nio im Kombi-Test überzeugen?
Volkswagen launched its iconic California camper van into its own brand, incorporating camper products ranging from ...