El Ayuntamiento de Piélagos ha retirado las pistas de petanca del barrio de San Martín y las ha trasladado junto al local municipal de Zurita. Concretamente, los operarios trabajan estos días ...
El Complejo Municipal de Petanca de Motril, incluidas varias pistas acondicionadas para la ocasión junto al edificio de la Policía Local, fue sede del Campeonato de Granada en la modalidad de ...
Una veintena de equipos se darán cita en la XXVI Copa Andaluza del Open Nacional de Petanca, que tendrá lugar ... C.P. Los Prados (Málaga); C.P. San Pedro (Málaga); C.P. Toro (Málaga ...
SAN DIEGO COUNTY, Calif. — As the Trump administration promises mass deportations, local federal officials are maintaining a veil of silence regarding the number of immigrants arrested in recent ...
El Ayuntamiento de Andratx ha sacado a licitación las obras de construcción de la cubierta en las pistas de petanca de Sa Coma, así como la edificación anexa de baños públicos, por un ...
Re “Why water systems aren’t designed for huge fires” (Feb. 10): The article by Tom Majich forgets two simple truths: 1) with adequate hydraulic pressure (read: full reservoirs), all fire ...
We sell different types of products and services to both investment professionals and individual investors. These products and services are usually sold through license agreements or subscriptions ...
Y miserable. No se me ocurre otro adjetivo para definir el alarde de matonismo exhibido por el mandatario norteamericano ante Zelenski. Acudía el ucraniano a la Casa Blanca revestido de dignidad ...
Historic sites, museums and cave tours are some of the best things to do in San Antonio. San Antonio may be the seventh-largest city in America, but it radiates the warmth of a small community.
Thanks for subscribing! Look out for your first newsletter in your inbox soon! The best things in life are free. Sign up for our email to enjoy your city without spending a thing (as well as some ...
Part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Presidio Tunnel Tops is the nation’s newest national park space and reconnects the city to the bay. The 14-acre park, which was designed by ...