The post Should You Fertilize Tomato Seedlings? is by Logan Hailey and appeared first on Epic Gardening, the best urban ...
The Courier Journal's Starch Madness has entered round two, with eight restaurants facing off against each other for Louisville's favorite pizza pie.
The Punjab Agriculture Department has issued recommendations for the cultivation of summer vegetables. According to the department's spokesperson, the ideal time for sowing vegetables such as bitter ...
Traditional Africa food is organic plant-based with little meat, and fish often garnished with flavour. These are unrefined ...
Tomatoes need more than water and sunlight to grow, and one expert has shared a simple recipe to make an organic fertiliser ...
Tomatoes are a popular plant to grow in British gardens, but timing is often the most important factor when it comes to ...
The study revealed that the use of the "trichoderma biofungicide" led to more than doubling the tomato yield on disease-free plants compared to traditional farming methods ...
The Herb and Garden Faire at Landis Valley Village and Farm Museum is one of the plant sales and swaps coming to Lancaster ...
Repurpose your nutshells for gardening, crushed peanut and pistachio shells, create a natural barrier against weeds while ...
To get an accurate soil sample, dig down to where the plant roots will be, and take eight to 10 samples across your gardening ...
Starting plants indoors can give you access to more interesting cultivars while saving you money. Here are seed-starting tips ...
March is prime time for SoCal gardeners who love to grow tomatoes, with three specialty growers having pop-up sales of ...