In celebration of National Arbor Day on April 25, the Town of Lady Lake will hold its annual Tree Raffle, reinforcing its commitment to conservation and community beautification.
Researchers worked with the Army Corps of Engineers to lower the water level in Red Rock reservoir a foot and a half so the ...
Believe it or not, Texas boasts both hill and lake country. Next time you visit the Lone Star State, be sure to explore the ...
Willie Pipkin made the catch in February, and Texas Parks and Wildlife brought the enormous fish to a hatchery where it will ...
Lift Aircraft, a company that specializes in single-person aircraft, introduced the Hexa, a single person flying machine that ...
With the sun barely out and cold wind blowing up dust Sunday morning on Lady Bird Lake, a group of people gathered outside of ...
HB 470 would expand the "Capitol Complex," giving the Texas Department of Public Safety jurisdiction over 18 blocks around ...
Though it may not be as “weird” as it used to be, Austin still flaunts its eccentricities, notably on view over South By ...
The $7 billion light rail project unveiled its draft environmental impact statement in January. The project could face ...
The Fannie Davis Gazebo, built in 1969, has been designated as a historical landmark by the City of Austin due to its unique ...
The city's first modern light-rail system would run in dedicated lanes on city streets with priority at traffic signals.
The iconic Fannie Davis Gazebo at Vic Mathias Shores in Town Lake Metropolitan Park has officially been designated a historic ...