Meteorologii au prelungit avertizările de vreme rea până marţi şi anunţă frig, ploi abundente, lapoviță și ninsoare, inclusiv ...
„Luni dimineață, de asemenea, temperaturi ce vor caracteriza o vreme deosebit de rece, o noapte și o dimineață geroasă, pentru că și luni ecartul va fi unul semnificativ, spre -18 grade până la -10 în ...
Administratia Nationala de Meteorologie a emis noi atentionari meteo de vreme rea. Vremea intra intr-un proces de racire ...
În plus, deși s-a format un nou guvern pro-european alcătuit din patru partide, stabilitatea acestuia rămâne incertă, notează Allianz Trade în analiza lor privind Harta Riscurilor de Țară. România a ...
HARTi, Inc., which aims to create infrastructure for cultural industries, announced on February 27 that it has raised 60 million yen in a pre-Series A round from Startup Factory led by Osamu Suzuki.
By Andrew Higgins Calin Georgescu, an ultranationalist candidate who won the first round of Romania’s abruptly aborted presidential election last year, has been barred from competing in a do ...
În următoarele nopți vremea va fi extrem de rece, cu minime ce vor coborî spre -23 C sâmbătă dimineață. Harta stratului de zapada pe 21 februarie la ora 8 (sursa ANM) Vineri la ora 8, cel mai gros ...
The Trump administration could announce a pathway for tariff relief on Mexican and Canadian goods covered by North America’s free trade agreement as soon as Wednesday, Commerce Secretary Howard ...
Romania detained six people on charges of trying to overthrow the state with Russia’s help, prosecutors said on Thursday, and a 101-year-old former army major general said his home had been ...
President Donald Trump is reportedly pressuring Romania to ease travel restrictions on controversial “manosphere” influencer Andrew Tate, who has been embroiled in a years-long legal fight in ...
Thirty-five years after the horrors of the Ceaușescu dictatorship were discovered in Romania, our reporters investigated one of the darkest episodes in the country's history – the squalid ...
Donald Trump's administration has reportedly made multiple attempts to pressurise Romania to lift travel restrictions on Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan, who are facing a series of criminal ...