Comerțul global a suferit transformări radicale în ultimele decenii, iar datele recente confirmă o realitate pe care ...
Anul trecut, salariul mediu brut lunar pentru un angajat din industrie a fost de 8.300 de lei în Moldova. Iașul este un punct ...
În cele câteva saptămâni de mandat la Casa Albă, Donald Trump a impus un nou curs politicii externe a Statelor Unite, ...
Statele Unite suspendă ajutorul militar acordat Ucrainei la câteva zile după ce preşedintele american Donald Trump a avut o ...
Ucraina și Statele Unite conveniseră asupra unui acord privind exploatarea resurselor minerale ucrainene sub masca păcii în ...
February 27, 2025 • Saxophonist Isaiah Collier's The Story of 400 Years is a sweeping suite that traces Black American history from the Middle Passage to today — and the personal and ...
The US has told Europe it needs to spend more on defence, while the EU appears to be sidelined from peace talks aimed at ending Russia's war in Ukraine. In this episode of The World, Richard and ...
So my instinct was to sympathize with those who bristled at President Trump’s gratuitous executive order renaming “the area formerly known as the Gulf of Mexico” as the “Gulf of America.” ...
“We’re going to keep them out until such time as they agree that it’s the Gulf of America,” Trump said, speaking to reporters who witnessed the signing of an executive order at Mar-a ...
As Captain America: Brave New World explains, Japanese scientists first successfully refined adamantium samples from these cosmic remains, marking the beginning of a new technological era.
În plus, deși s-a format un nou guvern pro-european alcătuit din patru partide, stabilitatea acestuia rămâne incertă, notează Allianz Trade în analiza lor privind Harta Riscurilor de Țară. România a ...
What became startlingly clear at the Munich Security Conference was Trump’s new vision of transactional alliances with America’s traditional partners. In his view, the United States is not so ...