Gheorghe Hagi (60 de ani) a fost decorat de preşedintele interimar al României, Ilie Bolojan, miercuri, cu Ordinul Naţional ...
Dan Petrescu a primit o veste cumplită. Mama antrenorului de la CFR Cluj a murit cu o zi înaintea meciului cu Dinamo. Clubul ...
Adrian Mutu, antrenorul echipei Petrolul Ploiești, cere sancțiuni drastice pentru arbitrii Sebastian Colțescu și Sorin Andrei Antonie, care au oficiat la meciul pierdut de „lupii galbeni” în fața ...
Nicholas Ebomo Mutu, has commended his constituents for their continued support, assuring them of his commitment to enhanced service delivery in legislative duties and oversight functions.
Rapid va întâlni Hermannstadt în ultima etapă a sezonului regulat din SuperLiga României. La conferința de presă dinaintea ...
Last night’s episode of Married At First Sight (MAFS) was a shit show, thanks to Adrian Araouzou, his bestie Jasmin Weston and sisters Elita and Nikola. ICYMI, during Family and Friends week ...
Adrian Newey’s wife has quipped that she will be reunited with the F1 design guru in “about five years” after he started work with Aston Martin this week. As revealed by in ...
It’s up to you if you wanna stay or leave. Every week, Adrian Araouzou — Awhina’s joke of a hubby on MAFS — has proved to be one of the show’s most vile grooms ever. To give you a ...
Aston Martin can now officially welcome F1 design legend Adrian Newey into the team, but the same is reportedly not true for another key recruit. On the eve of the F1 2025 campaign, Aston Martin ...
Adrian Mutu a dezvăluit că a fost la un pas să ajungă la Steaua înainte de a semna cu marea rivală a roș-albaștrilor. Fostul atacant român s-a lansat în fotbalul mare de la Dinamo București, echipă ...
Yes, the drama is already drama-ing. And, speaking of drama, Awhina Rutene and Adrian Araouzo are just another series 12 couple whose relationship has gotten off to a rocky start. So, are the pair ...