I almost did not write a column for today, given my shock and mixed feelings about the “extradition” or “kidnapping” of former president Rodrigo Roa Duterte.
A hoard of 16 silver Roman coins spanning two centuries has been discovered in a field by a detectorist. The denarii date from the late Roman Republic to the reign of Marcus Aurelius and his wife ...
The denarii date from the late Roman Republic to the reign of Marcus Aurelius and his wife Faustina, and were found at Barton Bendish, Norfolk. Coin specialist Adrian Marsden said the loss might ...
Noonans offered the Sapcote hoard in a recent auction, in which all of the coins were purchased by a U.S.-based buyer for ...
They tugged on his white and bushy leg to rescue him from the narrow trench. It was entirely his fault — the curious sheep dove in head first and got ...
At that time, everyday purchases might be made for so many denarius coins, or denarii, Marsden said. But it was likely that the coins would have been weighed out for large transactions. Modern coins ...
David Dunn took up metal detecting as he was wanted to go out on his own into the fresh air after a long day working as a bathroom fitter A haul of Roman coins discovered in a field in ...
The New Testament mentions four people with the name Philip. Two were sons of King Herod the Great, and one Philip features ...
An expensive, luxury good was consumed. An objection to such an act of conspicuous consumption was raised: “Why was this perfume not sold for three hundred denarii [11 months’ wages] and given to poor ...