Vedanta Ltd is quoting at Rs 460.25, up 1.37% on the day as on 12:44 IST on the NSE. The stock is up 82.53% in last one year as compared to a 9.88% spurt in NIFTY and a 14.69% spurt in the Nifty Metal ...
NHPC Ltd is quoting at Rs 80.46, up 0.07% on the day as on 12:44 IST on the NSE. The stock is up 5.94% in last one year as compared to a 9.88% gain in NIFTY and a 1.64% gain in the Nifty Energy.
The Sonoma County District Attorney’s Office filed felony criminal charges against Cory Lacey, a contractor who disappeared ...
Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 47th President of the United States on Monday at 12 pm local time (10:30 IST) at a ceremony held inside the Rotunda of the US Capitol.
Thousands of mostly female demonstrators marched through the streets of Washington DC on Saturday to rally against ...