The recent culprit of a sexist remark comes from Jonathan Doklovic, a developer at a software company called Atlassian that's currently holding a two-day developers conference in Berlin.
Atlassian was named after the Greek Titan, Atlas. Today, the company has over 10,000 employees in 13 countries, and over 260,000 customers (including NASA, VISA, and Domino's) across its products.
Chart 2: VF Monthly Histogram This is a bullish interval for this stock. Atlassian Corporation designs, develops, licenses, and maintains various software products globally. The stock is in an ...
Atlassian has a consensus price target of $ ... Further, the company's portfolio includes Atlas, a teamwork directory; Bamboo, a continuous delivery pipeline; Crowd, a single sign-on; Crucible ...
Atlassian has announced its global staff of 5,700 will be allowed to work from anywhere in the world, in a new policy announced in advance of its annual summit. Workers will be expected to come ...