Trinity Raines is the director of accounting in the Chief Financial Officer division of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission.
The board has posted a series of "knowledge checks" to help auditors gauge their understanding of its new quality control standard.
The February webcast included one-on-one discussions with the chairs of the accounting and auditing standard setters.
Proposed Uniform Accountancy Act changes would support a path featuring a bachelor’s degree and two years of experience, as well as a mobility model necessary to protect the ability of a CPA to ...
Definitions of accounting deployed today are observably narrow, outdated, and increasingly unsuitable for realizing the full ...
Ed Mendlowitz is making 190 tax season, practice management and personal tips checklists available in a usable searchable Word format.
In his landmark 1990 book Flow, psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi described flow as “a state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter; the experience ...