An environmental lawyer who wrote an amicus brief in San Francisco v. EPA believes a criticized ruling actually means tougher standards.
SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) — The lawyer for a Southern California judge acknowledged Monday that his client fired the deadly shot that killed his wife but contended it was an accident.
Shifting weather patterns will produce a taste of summer, along with stiff Santa Ana winds, followed by a cooling trend and the possibility of rain in County, according to the National Weather Service.
With intent on identifying practical solutions for the growing affordable housing and homelessness crisis in Orange County, U.S. Rep. Lou Correa, (CA-46) hosted a roundtable discussion with the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco (FHLBank San Francisco) today in Santa Ana,
The shift in weather patterns is expected to bring temperatures into the lower 90s in some areas, with widespread 80s even along the coast.