Improve DevOps performance with value stream analytics. Use as a stand-alone solution or integrate with other CI/CD tools such as Jenkins. JFrog’s DevOps platform offers end-to-end management ...
In November, GitHub Desktop 1.5 was released, which includes several ... Puppet is one of the most reached-for DevOps tools on the market today. The company offers both open- source and paid ...
Introduction In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, businesses are constantly seeking ways to accelerate their development cycles, improve software quality, and enhance operational ...
DevOps – or development operations ... Kubernetes platform and making Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.5 generally available, with new tools meant to simplify multi-cloud operations, bolster container ...
In today’s digital landscape, innovation in software development and IT operations is accelerating at an unprecedented pace.
Open DevOps was designed to help organizations deal with the ever-growing number of tools their teams use by bringing into a central location that allows them to use the tools they want ...
The goal of every DevOps team is to reduce the iteration time of software development cycles while maintaining the highest standards for software quality. Of course, stating such objectives is easy.