This resource is a valuable tool for instructors looking to enhance their course design and ensure their teaching aligns with intended learning outcomes. On this site you will find information about ...
Enter your information in the form to create your desired learning outcome. The format the form will produce will be as following: As a result of participating in the [“condition”] + [“audience”] + ...
URSSA is an online survey instrument for use in evaluating student outcomes of undergraduate research experiences ... Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) common URSSA assessment tool. The ...
Good assessment helps point towards better learning activities, assessment activities, and other experiences that can help students increase progress towards course and program outcomes. Note: Not ...
By using a common set of assessment tools and joining the CDC-sponsored and endorsed ODDACE project, states can contribute to a national outcomes database that will provide much-needed data on the ...
The assessment plans have the following features in common: A summary of findings related to each GLO Aspects of the program targeted for improvement An action plan and timeline to improve student ...
Tip: by narrativizing program needs in terms of outcomes and improvements, the budget plan section offers a powerful tool for discussing department funding needs! The "Assessment Plan" section ...
Student learning outcomes (SLO) are the key component of an assessment plan. These are concise statements that indicate the knowledge, skills, and abilities that students in a program are expected to ...
Rubric a tool that articulates the evaluation criteria for assessment and gradations of quality for each criterion. Student learning outcome statement a specific description of what a student will be ...
and the development of outcome assessment tools. Dental Hygiene Research This course is designed to provide dental hygiene students with the skills necessary to understand, interpret, and critique ...