Operating revenue also grew by 7% compared to the previous year, reaching Rs 79,595 crore from Rs 74,373 crore. This resulted ...
His online venture Jio Mart wants to tap into Facebook-owned Whatsapp's 400 million users in India to connect customers with their nearest mom and pop stores - hugely popular in India. This is why ...
Other notable platforms with significant consumer dissatisfaction include Myntra (21,842 complaints), Swiggy (9,527 complaints), and Jio Mart (8,853 complaints). The “Others” category ...
and Jio Mart. Their pharmaceutical products are available in 8 states and union territories, whereas freeze-dried and frozen items are distributed across 6 countries and 22 states and union ...
Jio Financial, on the other hand ... BPCL shares were down half-a-per cent. In the case of D-Mart, despite the company's sizable market capitalisation, its free float still does not stack up ...