Collaborative Institutional ... case by case basis) letter of cooperation from any collaborating institutions (e.g. schools, other universities). other forms (e.g. related to possible HIPAA ...
The research is conducted by, or under the direction of, any staff, faculty, student or other agent of WMU in connection with his or her institutional ... protocol to assist the IRB in the review. At ...
If you plan to conduct research on human subjects, you will need to work with CU Boulder’s Institutional Review Board (IRB). The purpose of the IRB is to help ensure that human subject research is ...
The basis for the single IRB model is to allow multiple sites that are conducting the same protocol to use a single IRB for review, instead of using multiple IRBs to review the research at the sites ...
To protect these values, the university provides for an Institutional Review Board (IRB). The IRB reviews all research involving human subjects, performed under college/university auspices, for ...
This should be used if you are at all unsure if your project requires IRB review or not. Examples of projects that do not fit the IRB’s definition of human subjects research: If you want to use ...
Please email [email protected] if you have any questions. The Mission of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research is three-fold. Protect the rights and ...
Are you seeking information about institutional approval or IRB review to conduct research at SUNY Cortland when not affiliated with this institution? The SUNY Cortland IRB uses individual ...
The IRB is a federally mandated committee that provides ethical oversight for all research involving human subjects. All scholarship and research that involves humans, whether funded or unfunded, must ...
The Smith College Institutional Review Board (IRB) upholds the principles of respect, beneficence and justice, with established guidelines to ensure that human research participants are treated with ...
California Lutheran University's Institutional Review Board's (IRB) primary responsibility is to protect the rights, welfare, and privacy of all human participants in research conducted by California ...