Undergraduate students will develop and demonstrate through course work, learning experiences, co-curricular and extracurricular activities: The knowledge, skills, and scholarship that are appropriate ...
Institutional assessment: Systematic collection of data about the degree to which broad institutional outcomes are being met. Institutional assessment is done for both internal improvement and to meet ...
Legal Methods I & II Electives Advanced Legal Research Courses Seminars Co-op; Clinic; Field Practicum Learning Outcome 3: Graduates will demonstrate the ability to communicate clearly and effectively ...
A curriculum map aligns the program’s curriculum with the program’s student learning outcomes, showing where outcomes are introduced, where they are reinforced or practiced, and where students are ...
The bill argues institutional debts hinder students’ education because schools can block students from re-enrolling, withhold their degrees or forward them to private debt collectors. To avoid those ...
Institutional learning outcomes were etsablished in 2014 in the Realizing UB 2020 report. The Office of Curriculum, Assessment and Teaching Transformation, in collaboration with the Institutional ...
Student learning outcomes (SLOs) in our academic and co-curricular programs reflect the specific types of learning (knowledge, skills, dispositions) we expect as a result of students’ educational ...